Monday 9 December 2013

A Visit to the Patek Philippe Family's Kitchen

A new insight into the life of the Patek Philippe family has been vouchsafed to us! This heart-warming image was on the back page of this week's Times magazine. Aren't we lucky?

It shows Mr Philippe in the kitchen with Boy Philippe, and they are MESSING WITH FLOUR but not wearing aprons. Now families who live at this level of luxury always have finest cashmere jerseys - and have you ever looked at the washing instructions on those sort of items? They strike dread into the heart of any laundryperson, I can tell you. Laughable demands for hand wash only at cool temperatures, reshape while flat, do not wring and other preposterous requirements and as for tumble drying, well, don't even consider doing such a thing. And yet these idiotic males are getting flour all over them. There won't half be trouble when Mrs Philippe gets home and sees what they've done. AND, Mr Philippe, who is supposed to be looking after that watch for the next generation, is NOT doing a very good job is he. Imagine making pastry without taking your watch off first! No proper cook would make a fundamental mistake like that. It'll get ruined; mark my words.
It is safe to say that this advertisement represents another £23,625 of Patek's advertising budget down the drain.
Furthermore, we can expect Mrs Philippe to be pretty annoyed when she sees THIS:
"Something truly precious holds its beauty for ever."? Crikey, they're sailing close to the wind, coming out with a remark like that. It is VERY unchivalrous since it implies that Mrs Philippe and Girl Philippe are not truly precious because when their lifespan is over and they go down into the grave their beauty will be lost and only the lovely pearl earrings etc. will remain. 
Mrs Philippe is not going to care much for this sentiment. I think there may be Hell To Pay.
Well, I wish you a Happy Christmas, Patek family - but it's not looking hopeful. Not after the flour incident, and now THIS.


  1. Replies
    1. No, I'm not, now you mention it! There may be something more sinister going on. They probably are rich enough to be making cocaine pastry.
