Distressing alterations to conditions in Wells greeted us on our return there after an absence of quite a few months. It just goes to show that you must never allow your vigilance to lapse.
1. Our usual parking space had been re-designated as For Permit Holders Only. Very unwelcoming I must say. Going to our habitual second choice of parking space we found that it had been gated off, selfishly and for no reason other than mean-mindedness. Probably in consequence of these occurrences, the Lay-by of Last Resort was also, unprecedentedly, full! We had to hang around waiting for someone to vacate a space, and thus were forced to waste valuable drinking time etc.
2. The moat round the Bishop's Palace, once a beautiful place of clear water teeming with fish, ducks and mermaids, has been allowed to become a revolting soup of filthy water festooned with litter and algae and no sign of dere little ducklings. The only wildlife was the vicious swans which have been permitted to remain.
Not a naiad in sight. |
Close-up. Discarded ball floating on moat. |
Close-up. Out of date collapsed poster thing defiling the greensward. |
Savage killing machines. Last year Archy witnessed the murder of an innocent duck by one of these swans. |
3. The Co-op on the High Street has been replaced by a gifts and stationery shop. This meant we had to go to expensive Waitrose to get supplies for our picnic. Actually this was not a bad thing as Waitrose stuff is
highly superior and I am not normally allowed it due to the cost.
4. On the Cathedral Green there were zero children doing cartwheels and no toddlers running about chasing the pigeons. This omission detracts from our enjoyment. Also when we got there all the benches were taken so again we had to wait for one to become available. Once we did sit down, the place was overrun with drunken louts drinking beer.
Sots. Admittedly these were US, but the point remains; people were openly boozing on the Green, and no-one came to put a stop to it. |
5. Complete dearth of freaks and hippies. Freaks and hippies contribute hugely to the merriment of life for the whole of society. The lack of them saddens us all.
6. Busking population consisted of 2 men blowing tin whistles inexpertly, one of them with recorded background music. Terrible. Buskers should play violins.
7. They have put a 'Donation Station' across the entrance to the Cathedral to try to shame people into paying to go in there. Luckily we know other ways in so got in free. I do enough for the C of E to justify this in my opinion. But this is bound to be the thin end of the wedge and getting in will become more difficult as they will gradually close off all the back doors. The 'donation' will soon become an entry fee of at least £8 per person. Mark my words.
Wells altar frontal. An affront. |
Wells ceiling etc. Not an affront. |
In conclusion. The people in charge of Wells are ignoring what needs doing around the place such as clearing up the disgusting moat and drunks and addressing the hippie-vacuum, in favour of concentrating on fleecing money out of the public for parking and access to Cathedral. Poor show, Councillors.